Friday, December 4, 2009

Do you consider Burts Bees Lip Balm Better than Carmex ?

:)Do you consider Burts Bees Lip Balm Better than Carmex ?
i think it tastes bad, but it works. i just couldn't get the yummy flavored ones cuz they were all pink lip glosses. lol i'd definitely try it though! : )Do you consider Burts Bees Lip Balm Better than Carmex ?
I love Burt's Bees! It's hella expensive though. Do not get the kind with glitter in it because it makes your lips feel gritty and nasty. Carmex is alright, but Burt's Bees is amazing. The new Aquafinalip moisturizers are my absolute favorite though. Report Abuse

Carmex is full of harmful chemicals, so YES!!

use-ur-brain, try the Honey version, it has no coloring and the only flavor is honey!!
YES!! The first time I ever used it, I fell in love with it.My teacher told me to try it because she loved it,so when I tried it, I threw away my carmex!!
It's great, but only while it is still new. After a month or so, the wax smell is too much!
Burt's bees works better it feels refreshing
Totally!!! BBLB all the way

i love burts bees balm

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